getting grid connected with solar is a far better choice than a battery bank however keep in mind that if a blackout occurs your whole output is completely compromised. if a pole is hit by a storm or a rockfall or anything to break your wires than everything goes down including the asic farm. so if there is a blackout not only that the asic stop running because they take power from the grid but also you cant pump power into the grid back. its a fail fail recipe in case of a broken pole or simply some electricity guys doing maintenance on the grid.
also i would like to add that solar pannels are decaying in efficiency starting year 15 thats if they arent destroyed by hailstorm ice rain or by kids throwing rocks over the fence or simply burglars at work.
How many hours of blackouts did you have last year?
as for hydro the idea which looks better and better is to get more of these guys running along the river. build one in year 1 build second next year and so on till you get a little farm of these guys depending on your needs.
Do it in small steps. Your ROI will be still longer though.