InfoDouble-spendingPlease do not send us two identical GBP payments in the same day. Our system will only process one of the payments, even if you are within your daily limit. This restriction does not apply to BTC payments sent to us.
LimitsThe limits are currently £10 minimum and £100 maximum (or equivalent in BTC). It is OK if you are slightly above or below these limits (there is a 10% leeway), but any serious deviation could delay your order from being processed. We aim to increase these limits in due course and will send you an email to let you know when it happens.
New featuresAutomated confirmationWithin 5 minutes of sending your order through to us (by either a bank transfer or bitcoin payment) you will receive a confirmation email outlining the bitcoin price secured and the amount that will be sent to you. The actual payment processing part will remain a manual process and should follow shortly afterwards. In normal working hours this will be between 10 minutes and 1 hour.
Planned featuresAutomated paymentsWe aim to fully automate GBP and BTC payments by the end of November.
ReferralsWe aim to implement a referral scheme by the end of December.
LoyaltyWe aim to implement a loyalty scheme by the end of December.
TBCIf you have a feature request, please email us ( and we will see what we can do.