The nice part is you can do a little or a lot to help generate traffic for your Exchange.
Just a few simple tips for early adopters to help get you and keep you on top!
By adding code snips to Email, Signatures, websites, Posts ETC
you can generate Votes for your Exchange and move up the list,
thus getting more clicks back the higher you are on the list.
Much like a Coin, votes start slowly and difficulty of reaching the top increases
as more and more voters create a traffic Portal to your Exchange outlink from Crypto Exchange Toplist.
Custom Buttons with your Exchange logo and a VOTE FOR US on the graphic will help create Brand Recognition
for your coin.
Fits and tricks for Adding and changing banners on the crypto Exchange toplist is quick and easy. Tailor your out link and Notes for everyday use
or change it up for promotions and add that special "CLICK ME" appeal, animated Flash banners can be very enticing. :-)
I myself have scratched the lottery ticket and caught the rabbit.. LOL
BB code and Html code for Vote buttons are a little different, BB code works here on BCT, HTML most other places. See Code snips
BB Code Vote Button
BB Code Signature link
HTML Code Vote Button
<!-- data banner code begin -->
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img src="" border="0" width="183" height="67"
alt="Altcoins"> </a>
<!-- data banner code end -->