If there's a rule of thumb when dealing with girls it that girls always act the opposite they mean to... so whenever a girl says no, she actually means yes. And if she says yes... she really means no...
No, I can't confirm this. Girls are always
indifferent to some degree, because they lack true insight into their emotions.
So, if you're clever a 'yes' or 'no' doesn't matter at all - you can always generate the desired outcome (gettin' laid).
What you should never do (and OP made this greatest mistake in the universe here) is telling the girl that you love her, before she said that she loves you. This greatly shifts the power in her favor and subconsciously you are assessed as a beta male, who has to take the begging route to copulation. Don't do this!
The best advice in OP's case is that he immediately starts to date other girls and ensures that this information is discretely leaked to her, so she knows that she's not unique and OP is a hot alpha male. Of course OP should have as much fun as possible in the process...
Source of this advice: Experience.
i think she is not that type of girl & i can't date with girls i think now tow think 1. she is in a relationship 2. she is serious about her career thanks for your advice
Why are you asking us how she feels? If I wanted to know how someone feels I would have a conversation with them. I would certainly not go to a public forum and post 4 or 5 words expecting people will somehow have all the answers. You saying, "I love you" and her saying, "Good-bye" just sounds to me like the end of a normal conversation. However, the fact that you chose to come here and air your doubts publicly tells me that you don't think she feels the same way. (Which is quite likely the case.) Regardless, go talk to her and find out the truth. You won't find it here. Roll Eyes
I suggest you man up and talk to her about this... privately. (Then come back here and tell us all how it went.)
bro i have no experience this is my first love & i don't want to lose it there are so many people for suggestion so i think let's take more suggestion if i talk with her private i will surely tell you guys what happen.
IMO he should just forget this girl, and try his luck with some other(s).... IF the girl likes him, SHE will come and beg him....
... a man should NEVER beg
i will not beg for her love but my life will be broke i think
I think she don't love you.
+1 sorry dude....
feel me sad but why you ppl think that
i think she really loves you now!
After reading the well thought out responses in this thread made by fellow Bitcointalk members, I have come to the conclusion that the female who you were participating in conversation with wished to wish you farewell. I hope that my addition to this thread will assist you in enhancing your social skills and bettering your life.