That's why I'm against libertarianism, I don't want a government that is free to be bought and sold by the highest bidder with the necessary market power.
The market power is created by the venue not by the money. Anything you can talk about in a bar is sold. In fact, the very act of meeting that person in the bar and making a deal is a sale.
This is a fundamental fact. If I meet Joe Blow and promise him benefits for a decision, the sale is already done. In Cancun, on the moon, Malibu. The sale is between people.
If there is however limited inherent power in the facilities of government, THEN THERE IS NOTHING TO BE SOLD.
I want a government that is kept honest by a well-informed enpowered population that demands quality for it's tax-money, a government restricted to spending its taxes on public
goods and subsidizing the value of non-commodified human existance. If bitcoin takes off then the shaddowy handlers of payment companies wouldn't think they get to pull levers in the background to stiffle innovation at the expense of everyone else like this.
It's the govt that tells people that they don't have a right "to be well informed" and you want to empower that?
Bitcoin is libertarian. It's the people who are socialist/capitalists/raelians/speculators.
Market-liberalism and libertarianism mean oligopolies and monopolies get to get together and game the system to their own benefit with precisely those Austrian calculations you posted.
They can't trade power that isn't there.
This is precisely what communism, democracy, anarchy and socialism etc are strategies to oppose.
Eh, no. Communism is a facade. Denocracy is a day to day responsibility. Bitcoin is anarchy. Socialism is a quick path to phd and tenure.
People taking government seriously as a common-good, engaging and demanding...
By bitching at usurpers on this board we are in fact doing that. Your theories assume a vacuum of public participation. Fail.
it to be used for common-goods is what crashes your Austrian School calculation.
We demand it by turning off the boob tube and chasing bastards off this board and reporting spontaneously threats to the culture and community.
A system is not a demand. A system is a toy. Always will be.
Political decision is not a market
Political decision is by definition public action. Stop dreaming about committeesd. Start rolling up your sleeves.
and if it behaves like one then you should change the architecture.
If there is architecture beyond the bare dynamics then there is one multitude shirking their responsibility and a parasite minority driving it.
I'm no communist or socialist or anarchist (I'm social democrat) but I am against being ruled by private dynasties and corporations of various kinds lording it over politically unconcious
and unempowered populations that vehemently oppose their own interests.
Then set up your laisez-faire rig and help Alabama like I am. Bitcoin makes participation and freedom to choose how you do so the very power the people have and you want a central body regulating what the people can do.
Reality doesn't run on philosophy. It runs on static and dynamic principles.
Anyway all that aside, this particular payment-system game has already been outmanouvered by the coin, and that's very satisfying. It's almost Thai-Chi... use the energy of their attack against them. Unjust legislation like this just goes to help the bitcoin value.
It's a classic example of bitcoins democratization of money dissempowering price-makers and causing their basis to buy government for their own ends to dissapear. An elegant solution in my opinion.
You don't get democratization by disempowerment, you get it by dispersion of power. Listen to yourself. You think you get power from disempowerment, like if you take math classes away from the smart kids the ones who haven't learned yet will be able to do calculus.
You can't give someone's power to someone else. You can only add power to those who do not have it.
Bitcoin makes us the government and the government WHICH MADE THE UNJUST LAW is opposing.
You don't comprehend power. Power is opportunity (not authority) multiplied by talent (not skill). Bitcoin empowers not because it uses the system against them but because it allows us to use a system for ourselves and each other. Government isn't authority. It is a place. A venue. The bigger it is the more power it gives to the occupier. LIKE THE FCC Commissioner who okayed the merger and then works at one of the firms four months later.
Government is simply a PLACE. Its machinery is pure fantasy. Those are toys at the disposal of whoever wants to pay for them. No toys, no opportunity, no power.