For summary,
So I restart with boostrap.dat (21 Mb Gb)
and let my computer ON during 4 days and it's nothing move, i come back?
it should not take 4 days, but yes. Get the bootstrap.dat via torrent wait till all the blocks are verified and do the rest "on foot".
Moreover, if download go under 500 mo I try many node of list you give me :
I'm not sur so I ask, to change my node, I must erase file peers.dat et use command addnode "IP" add
Nothing else?
Usually that should be enough, but its easier to make a bitcoin.conf file [1] and just delete/rename that file once you are done.
You tell about connect command that's it?
connect is used in the config file to make sure you connect to a single node. Its not allways working perfect so its best to have a long list of good nodes.
And of course I try to improve my english level hahaha

Learning is allways good

[1] - example you can easily edit with instructions where to put it.