Hi im searching the way to send a bitcoin transaction from a command line on linux.
I have read this is posible using bitcoind, but i want to do it using the blockchain.info API and curl:
In the API link we can found the next info:
Making Outgoing Payments
Send bitcoin from your wallet to another bitcoin address. All transactions include a 0.0001 BTC miners fee.
$main_password Your Main My wallet password
$second_password Your second My Wallet password if double encryption is enabled.
$to Recipient Bitcoin Address.
$amount Amount to send in satoshi.
$from Send from a specific Bitcoin Address (Optional)
$fee Transaction fee value in satoshi (Must be greater than default fee) (Optional)
$note A public note to include with the transaction (Optional)
I will make some attempts to use that line code with curl. If it works for me y will update this thread.
If some one know how to do it, or have a better way to send a payment from unix, please share the info.