Can BFL customer
Return THE Monarch and received a
FULL Refund No.
Simply lie and say that you smelled something burning stemming from the unit and since it didn't have any URL labels on it, you fear for your family's safety. Recall (no pun intended, but...), there's a receiver on site now, and even if they turn it on and smell nothing, they won't put themselves in position to send out any miners that aren't certified. In essence, the FTC will now have to make sure that if they send anything out, it MUST pass all safety regs.
Sorry Coinware! Looks like your Netsolus, LiquidBits, NimbusMining and HashTrade won't be getting delivery of Monarchs anytime soon in spite of your supposed multi-million dollar orders, already proven bogus via HashTrade's NOT $1M down payment with BFL's 1QAHVyRzkmD4j1pU5W89htZ3c6D6E7iWDs
BWA using BitPay.