Everything goes in waves. Look at the ocean. It's just that waves in the market when the population and economy are as big as ours, don't move as fast as the waves in the ocean.
The lower the crash of Bitcoin, the higher it will rise in the next wave. Bitcoin will never crash as long as the Internet survives.
The higher the value of fiat in this wave, the lower it will go in the next wave. Fiat will crash irretrievably.
Fiat is fake... debt based currency. Nobody wants to be in debt. Only those who want to control the world want everyone else to be in debt... to them. Fiat will crash.
Bitcoin is a little like fiat. But, Bitcoin represents the free market. The free market will last as long as humanity survives. Viva Bitcoin!
This is just another wave. Maybe when Bitcoin gets to the top of the next one, it will be $10,000 per Bitcoin. Maybe then fiat will crash.