Directly trading BTC/USD is quite risky at this moment. Instead, you can trade volatility.
Seriously? How can the volatility be traded?
Yes, you can trade volatility using options.
For example, if BTC/USD is now 400, and you know the volatility will be high, you can simultaneously buy a CALL option with strike price equal to 420 and a PUT option 380. Then you will be able to make profit no matter which direction BTC/USD goes in, because if it goes above 420, the CALL option will win, and if the price goes below 380, the PUT option will win.
For more information, you can have a look at my newly opened bitcoin options exchange platform
We are just open, so the liquidity may not be very good at this moment. But you know, a new market always means good chances for making profit if you understand how it works quickly. If you want to become a market maker, please contact me, and we will have some special offer for you.