BitPay, Coinbase, and MT.Gox walk into a bar...
Bitpay orders a drink and the bartender says, "That'll be $2.50"
BitPay pays and goes to walk away, but the bartender says, "Hey! You didn't pay!"
BitPay says, "Yes I did, here's the TX ID"
Coinbase orders a drink and the bartender says, "That'll be $3.75"
Coinbase pays and goes to walk away, but the bartender says, "Hey! You didn't pay!"
Coinbase says, "Yes I did, here's the TX ID"
MT.Gox orders a drink and the bartender says, "That'll be $8.50" (cuz it's a triple caramel macchiato from starbucks)
MT.Gox pays and goes to walk away, but the bartender says, "Hey! You didn't pay!"
MT.Gox says, "sorry here's $8.50"
And the bartender says, "That'll be $12.75"
MT.Gox says, "sorry here's $12.75"
And the bartender says, "That'll be $120.75"
MT.Gox says, "sorry here's $120.75"
LOL good one