Hey everyone! Gonna do a small giveaway contest on updownbot.bz. All you gotta do to enter is place at least a minimum bet. The total prize pool will be .04btc. You guys will decide how it is paid out. The options are 1 payout of .04 2 payouts of .02 or 4 payouts of .01. Make sure you vote. This contest will run for 24hrs. And will start at 8pm est (12am btctalk time)
www.updownbot.bz to place a bet
All you gotta do is make a bet. All bets will count as 1 entry.
Once you place a bet post txid here.
Whatever post number you are is the number tagged to you.
Winner or Winners will be chosen via sha256 secret hash so its provably fair
lowest hash or hashes will win depending on how you vote
How it is figured:
i will use the secret hash and your tx ids to figure your hash #. as stated before lowest hash or hashes will win
Sounds pretty easy. Everyone enjoy the giveaway and i look forward to the next one.
secret hash
EXAMPLE of how your hash is figured
<secret hash >:318560227daca2a3dc16c612d666308b3d803bee20a13460ed479bc4c36a9c52
once i enter this into sha256 it will provide me a hash #. i will do this with each txid. this is the secret hash:and my txid i provided in post #2