anyone got a link to info on the 7 trx per sec limit?
Current block size limit is 1 Mb. An average transaction is 200-something bytes. One block every ten minutes, i.e. every 600 seconds.
You do the math

This is a result of number of nodes then? Or is it the difficulty level the nodes have imposed upon them?
The limit is also written into the protocol. What you are implying is that the block size limit would prevent the average number of TX per second to be more then 7. Under this theory someone could broadcast 20 TX one second then as long as few enough other TX get transmitted they will all get included in the block, however this is not how it works. It is my understanding that the nodes will reject TXs if more then 7 are transmitted in a second
What script in the core has a hard limit written into it?
I think the transactions are more limited as to difficulty than any hard line core limit???
The first response was simple math, current blocks mined at X time and it contains Y trans.
So 'difficulty' in creating a new block is the limiting factor, is it not?
If there is a hard limit in the core somewhere, can anyone point out to what part of the core on Github is the file showing any hard limit?
My understanding right now is that the so-called difficulty in mining new blocks is the speed factor?
If 7 tranx a second is the real limit, then why not ease difficulty and let btc hit it's full 21M or whatever limit in bct there is, less difficulty mining should up tranx per second.
At 7 a second it's a 600k daily limit which is way too small.
Global Debit and Branded CC trans in 2012 were 40 Billion Debit cards and 18 Billion credit card trans, so 60 Billion is the global yearly transactions.
BTC at 7 trans a second can do 220 million a year
So to be equal to credit cards it would have to increase trans speed 100 fold, that's why some geeks have said the core needs to be done in Assembly and put on a network of major super computers to get to the level of the global CC system, thousands of low end computers can't compete with super computers and a sleek assembly level system.
So maybe a trusted core network of 10 super computers and the old system gets canned.
Right now btc has no need to try to compete with a network that can do 20 Billion transactions a year live visa/mc
But if btc is to keep growing, it has to do way more than 200M trans a year.
Debit and CC info from