Welcome to Renascence (RNC)
Following a long period of uncertainty, stalling, and outright deceit, Mintpal.com has finally shutdown. A visit to Mintpal.com reveals a short statement which does nothing to allay the fears and worries of traders who still had funds hosted on the exchange, and it is beginning to look as if we will never see our balances again.
Mintpal.com was once considered by many to be the best alt-coin exchange on the market, however throughout the past several months we have watched it steadily decline into a pit of complete obscurity and irrelevance.
In the midst of this despair, Renascence is born
The goal of Renascence is to purchase Mintpal.com from the current owners, and relaunch it under the V1 platform, with a new name—Renascence Exchange. Frankly there was not much wrong with the original platform in the first place, and it only needs a few visual and security updates before it once again matches the industry standard. Another step in restoring Mintpal.com to prominence is cutting back the current coin listing until only the best and most established coins are represented. While we think there is a place in the market for new coin launches, our exchange will not be that place. We will of course allow a probation period of two weeks after the relaunch, to allow people to access and remove their coin balances.
Renascence, the coin.
Renascence (RNC) is a profit sharing coin which allows members of the cryptocurrency community to invest directly in the relaunch of Mintpal.com--to clarify, the original platform will be relaunched under the new name, Renascence Exchange. Purchasers of the IPO will be allotted profit-sharing percentages based upon the percentage of the IPO their RNC holdings represent. This IPO provides our team with the additional funds necessary to both purchase the website and relaunch it in a swift and secure manner.
Name: Renascence
Ticker: RNC
IPO Supply: 2,725,000 (2.725MM)
Total Supply: 8,000,000 (8MM)
Blocktime: 5 Minutes
Annual Interest: 3%
Maturity: 250 Blocks
IPO size: 200 BTC
The total Renascence supply will represent 50% of the profits from our Mintpal.com relaunch, and this percentage will degrade by 5% every year, until it hits a floor at 25% where it will stay for perpetuity. This declining slope is meant to balance the increase in revenue which Renascence Exchange will experience as the platform once again regains its prominence in the industry. This slope is designed to allow for investors’ profit shares to remain profitable, while allowing our team the funds necessary to continually update and maintain the exchange. The POS implementation offsets this downward slope, as it allows loyal investors to increase their investment percentage through the staking of their Renascence Coins.
Investment Details:
The IPO will work in three stages:
Stage Investment Cap Price Level RNC Supply RNC per 1% share 1% share price1st stage 0 – 30 BTC 5000 satoshis 600,000 54,5000 RNC 2.725 BTC
2nd stage 30 – 100 BTC 7000 satoshis 1,000,000 54,5000 RNC 3.815 BTC
3rd stage 100 – 200 BTC 8000 satoshis 1,125,000 54,5000 RNC 4.360 BTC
To invest in the IPO, send your investment BTC to the addresses listed below, and save the BTC address which you used to send the BTC. Once the IPO closes, this BTC address will be used to tie you to your RNC address, where you can collect your IPO coins.
You Must Save This Address!Send your investment funds to the following address: 13QgmXyS8CNeoJPwHufFiuD1PYoA6cx1LBThis IPO will run until October 30th, as November 1st is the deadline given to us by the current owners of Mintpal to submit our bid for the platform. Upon the closing of the IPO, all unsold RNC will be destroyed, however, the number of RNC needed per profit share (54,500) WILL NOT change based upon unsold shares.
Wallets, block explorers, translations, and the code itself, will all be released upon the completion of the IPO.
There are two things about which investors need to be assured:
1. Our team has resources necessary to purchase Mintpal.com with our own funds. We are running this as a profit-sharing IPO so that relaunch can truly be a community effort, and so that we have ample funds to restore Mintpal.com to a profitable state as soon as possible.
2. In the event that we do not win the bid for Mintpal.com (this is an unlikely scenario, based upon the starting bid given us), all investor BTC funds will be returned to their owners, and RSN will not launch. This is another reason that it is imperative to save your sending BTC address.
Future Developments before October 30th:
• A FAQ based upon questions which arise in this thread.
• Renascence team member biographies, detailing or backgrounds and proficiencies.
• Roadmap containing dates and timelines for the relaunch of the exchange.
• Budgetary breakdown of where the IPO money will be spent.
• List of coins to be kept on the relaunched exchange.
• Details on investor rights, and the role they have in choosing new coins for the exchange
JOB OPPORTUNITIES! o Programmers, web developers, graphic designer, social media manager, SEO specialist, and content creators. Please send your resumes and any relevant portfolios to
RenascenceExchange@gmail.comOur goal is for Renascence Exchange to be the pinnacle cryptocurrency exchange available on the marketplace, and for it to truly be a community exchange. Invest today, and secure the future of cryptocurrency trading!
Email: renascenceexchange@gmail.com
Investment Address: 13QgmXyS8CNeoJPwHufFiuD1PYoA6cx1LB
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Renascence_Ex