I private messaged all individuals who contacted me but I am not sure it went through. (The PMs that I sent do not show up in outbox??)
I grossly mis-estimated the amount of cards that I have. I have 1144 cards.
I was offered 4btc for 525 cards. At the rate, 525 cards / 4 btc = 131.25 cards / btc
I would accept an offer of 1144 / 131.25 = 8.716 btc for all of the 1144 cards (shipping included). If possible, I would like to sell all the cards together to minimize shipping costs.
However, the cards are still 75% mirrodin, onslaught, kamigawa...I think 25% are older than that block.
90% excellent quality/10% good quality condition
sorry for the phone pics...the digital camera was dead...