WOODCOIN 木币A sustainable public digital currency built for longevity https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/woodcoin 对数可以吗?
Blockchains are LOG structured databases.
The woodcoin money supply grows LOGarithmically.
The Merkle Hash TREE is used to verify the block chain integrity.
Woodcoin is an open source project providing a fair, long-lived self supporting block chain for store of value and transfer of value transactions, with triple entry accounting functionality.

Mobile Wallet fork of Andreas Schildbach SPV wallet by Robert Gludo

-- >
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.packshell.hefei&hl=en_usNEW! Exchanges:
Hermesus -- Regulated USA Cryptocurrency Excxhange

UNNAMED.exchange, CREX24, STEX, Finexbox .....
For new pools please go to woodcoin Discord channel or Wechat channel.
Have you ever wondered what will happen when the "halving" coins, or geometric series emission coins like BTC, LTC, BCH, XMR and others, reach a very low coinbase reward? Without a substantial coinbase reward it becomes harder to support miners to provide the necessary security. Fees will need to go up, and so users will flee to cheaper coins.
One solution to this problem is to replace the geometric series emission schedule with a harmonic series emission schedule. This produces a logarithmically growing money supply which while still capped (at ~28 million) maintains substantial reserve in coinbase, with which to pay out to miners far (and we mean far) into the future.
It also features improved cryptography both in proof of work function and in digital signature keypairs.
With two minute blocks, LOG is a long-term public ledger for you to do with as you please.
No premine, no checkpoints, no supernodes, no presale
No changes to emission algorithm.
No airdrop.
Whitepaper available:
http://vixra.org/abs/1708.0339PAPER WALLETS
(and wallet manipluation)
First pure skein coin.Are you going to argue with Bruce Schneier? I didn't think so. The NSA didn't choose this hash for SHA3, so unless it's a double fakeout you should be safe. Skein is a great hash function and runs really fast on a CPU. ASICs will grow on trees. Double skein is the woodcutting algo, consisting of two skein512 hashes of the block header and nothing else.
First Logarithmic release coin. Many coins follow a hard reward reduction curve: a geometric series. Instead we use a harmonic series as it is gentler to the ear and actually works long term without infinite inflation or death by fees. The result is a logarithmically increasing supply of logs.
supply = 1000000* ( log(nHeight) + gamma ) - forest
where gamma = euler-mascheroni constant
forest = 5187377.51763962
This is a long term release plan.
Money supply limit: 27625814.3 LOG However these coins will not all be released until after the Julian calendar year 300 million.
Half the coins will be released in roughly the year 2305. For more information on how a logarithmic release schedule works please see the whitepaper.
The supply is
entirely specified by this code:
CAmount GetBlockSubsidy(int nHeight, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams)
int64_t nSubsidy = 1000000 * COIN;
if (nHeight<100) return 1*COIN;
else return nSubsidy/nHeight;
If you are using a coin without looking at the code that governs the release schedule, one might ask - why bother with public coin at all? This is the monetary policy and it is verifiably capped (non-inflationary) and long lived (substantial block reward incentivising miners without high fee for a long time).
First prime256v1 ECDSA curve coin. Well, we don't have any demonstrable break for secp256k1 (as used by bitcoin, litecoin, and many others), but a few bits of extra cryptographic security is a good thing. This is the ANSI X9 standard curve published for financial institutions, with the most usage time under its belt, and we use it for digitally signing your logs and creating your woodcoin addresses. Many people call it more secure than secp256k1, for a review take a look
http://woodcoin.info/2016/05/12/secp256k1-vs-p256/ here.
Original repo with up to date full node:
https://woodcoin.org/#codeAndroid wallet:
Woodcoin-Core is Segwit Armed and Fully Operational
https://github.com/funkshelper/woodcoreSegwit enabled with all bells and whistles.
sipa, nullc, coblee
litecoin dev team
bitcoin dev team
GetWork status pending, please use GetBlockTemplate with woodcoin-core for the moment.
Android wallet is a fork of Andreas Schildbach's classic SPV wallet using woodcoinj
https://github.com/funkshelper/woodcoinj-dev.gitWoodcoin-Wallet for android:
https://github.com/funkshelper/woodcoin-wallet-dev.gitMORE DETAILSPort: 8338 Testnet: 18338 Rpc: 9338
Speed: 2 min. blocks
Difficulty: 1 hr. adjust
No premine. No company. No pickaxe required. No PoS. No fiat. Open source.
Inspired by the game Movoda.net and other timer based games with woodcutting.
By Satoshi and Satoshi lite.
FORESTThe steepest part of the logarithmic curve is the very start. The rewards of the first 100 blocks were therefore set to zero to avoid these high rewards. These blocks would have yielded more than five million LOG, so these form an old growth forest that will never be chopped. The ents are safe here. The money supply formula above therefore needs to have this forest subtracted. The trees are our friends and guardians, treat them with respect! The trees of the world will be more honored and respected as we move into a post-fiat world. This coin is made with respect for the trees as our family. In addtition to the first hundred blocks, other donations to the forest have been accepted at this address:
These LOG are effectively removed from the money supply.
DEPENDENCIESThis should build as bitcoin does:
sudo apt-get install git build-essential libboost-all-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libdb5.1-dev libdb5.1++-dev qt-sdk libminiupnpc-dev
git clone
https://github.com/funkshelper/woodcoin.gitTO MAKE WOODCOIND (command line chopper)
cd woodcoin
make -f makefile.unix
./woodcoind &
(now you need to create ~/.woodcoin/woodcoin.conf as instructed)
./woodcoind &
./woodcoind setgenerate true
TO MAKE WOODCOIN-QT (gui chopper)
cd woodcoin
WINDOWS VERSIONS (contributed by woodcutting community)
http://woodcoin.org/static/woodcoin-qt.exe MAC VERSION (contributed by woodcutting community)
http://woodcoin.org/static/woodcoin-qt.dmg"Blockchains are log structured databases" - Funkenstein the Dwarf
"Chop Merkle Trees every day" - Unknown
EXCHANGESPlease be cautious and understand the counterparty risk inherent in these exchanges:
Currently active exchanges as of June 2020:
https://crex24.com/exchange/LOG-BTChttps://unnamed.exchangeHistorical exchanges:
Nova Exchange
Mega Crypton
http://explorer.woodcoin.org http://logexplorer.nethttps://www.blockexperts.com/logFAUCETS:
https://crex24.com/faucetsRUNNING POOLS:
(please visit Discord channel for up to date pool information)
https://miner-control.de/ http://zpool.caMINERS:
http://woodcoin.org/downloadscpu miner:
https://github.com/tpruvot/cpuminer-multinvidia gpu miner:
http://ccminer.org/NVIDIA gpu woodcutters - use CCMINER with SKEIN2

Contact / Chat / Social Media Links :
IRC: #woodcoin on Freenet