CoinMeter is a Rainmeter skin which displays your basic info on your desktop. It uses the 'webparser' plugin to retrieve information right from the website.
Currently it displays your account name, your BTC balance, your MH/s speed and your shares (as seen on the image). The refresh time is based on your account settings so don't hammer the button (and every 20 seconds if u have refresh set to 5 minutes
How to install (if you are a Rainmeter user already just skip to the 4th point )
1. Download and install the newest rainmeter from official website - 2.
Download CoinMeter3. Extract the .zip contents and move the "CoinMeter" folder to your
\Documents\Rainmeter\Skins\ folder
4. Open the \Documents\Rainmeter\Skins\CoinMeter\CoinMeter.ini file and edit the 30th line
with your account info. It should work without the login details if you have logged to the site with IE and stored the password but I'm not 100% sure so just better fill them in
5. Launch the Rainmeter, right-click on the system tray icon and chose Configs -> CoinMeter -> CoinMeter.ini
Let's say this is an alpha version, feel free to post comments or maybe ideas of what it should have in next version
I'm currently working on adding some currency exchange info, another few skins (including a mini-taskbar version) and gpu info [temps, clock etc).