Team Tittiecoin - Team XxXCoin
I would say the DarkShibe tribe more than welcomes you to help take over development.
There would be great potential in a union of these brands.
Great to hear!
We had a few releases to take care of for XXXCoin and wanted to give anyone concerned ample time to object.
As of this moment we have now taken over Darkshibe due to previous developer abandonment.
Anyone out there willing to had over the following?
5.BitcoinTalk thread
We look forward to working with the community and will require as much support as you all can offer during the first week-
and then from there on in we are sure standard levels are support will be appreciated.
I've already added new nodes to the source and have compiled the update in linux.
More news will follow... Please look over the handover list and let us know how that can be managed.
Looking forward to working alongside all of you!
Best regards
Team DSB - Team TTC - Team XXX