those who cry about the rich are usually those that dont want to work hard to get some wealth.
i have came across many people complaining about the rich, but when asking what job the complainer has, thy say they dont have one. i then ask what qualifications the person has, the complainer says very low qualifications. i then ask what job they would love to do and what they have done to get that specific dream job... again the complainer shows no effort..
i see too many people that think that being handed things for free is their right of life and that work should be seen as slave labour.
even in bitcoin, i have tested the water many times hinting that people can easily start their own legit business involving getting their local stores to accept bitcoin and receive a commission for it. out of all the replies i did not see any real interest in starting the business, but complain that it was not easy money due to the fact the person would actually need to do some work to get the money.
we live in the generation where money can be obtained by government social security, or by signing a piece of paper to register for a credit card. and then when governments and credit card companies ask for it back, all it takes is another piece of paper to be declared bankrupt to not require repaying it..
bitcoin should never EVER be considered as 'free' money, or 'easy' money. if you cant be arsed to work hard or invest in it, then you should not be handed the rare asset known as bitcoin.
and if you disagree with my comments, then go play with infinity coin. until you realise what true value is.
maybe watch this video while you play with your infinity coins dont blame bitcoin or those that have already succeeded in the community, and dont think that bitcoin should be changed to be given out freely to the poor