Can i ask where your from? You have a passport from the republic of India, your writting in english here bit you also spen a lot of time writting in italian on that forum, im confused.
Maybe i should have investagated before sending, no charge backs with btc.
Do i smell a scam, prove me wrong.
Lol, I wasn't even the op!
I just searched on Google for the lulz!
Do you want your money minus fee back?
That's great, you hijacked he thread and i didn't even notice
Nah keep it man, that's for my stupidy and all the work you put in, thanks for teaching me a lesson.
You can send it to the OP if you want, just double check the proof first so you don't look like an idiot like me
It is 3;30am here so maybe it's time i got some sleep.