First let me say that these views are entirely my own, as I can only speak for myself.
Anyone who invested a considerable amount financially in this mess did not properly do his homework. Whether or not the developers of BlockNET are part of a pump group just playing their usual games remains to be seen. However, their behavior shows that whether or not they are, they have behaved in a very unethical manner.
I have worked closely with jl777 (James) for several months on SuperNET, mainly on integrating it into the BitcoinDark core. I have watched this project grow and currently we have over 5 dozen great people involved, from testers to technical writers, to radio djs.
BlockNET was first announced and billed as "The internet of blockchains". (jl777's signature in the SuperNET forum is "SuperNET is to cryptocurrencies as the internet is to websites") This idea is taken almost completely from the SuperNET. In addition, ideas like distributed file storage (already working in the SuperNET API) have been announced as coming to BlockNET, and even the structure of SuperNET's ipo has been emulated by BlockNET. To date, BlockNET has released 0 lines of original code, as compared to the tens of thousands of lines we have worked so hard on these past months. This code is available for public viewing at (Analysis and review is very welcome)
BlockNET has claimed that their protocol will be true p2p and has even claimed that SuperNET is not. SuperNET uses kademlia distributed hash tables, the same as bittorrent. The BlockNET devs are effectively claiming that BitTorrent is not a peer to peer system.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and we at SuperNET certainly encourage free and open competition. However, I am discouraged to see our imitators blatantly misleading their investors.
The SuperNET announcement thread on this forum was immediately moved to the marketplace, while the BlockNET thread has been allowed to remain in announcements. Many more news outlets have reported on BlockNET, and bittrex is helping host their ito. Whether this is indicative of a wider conspiracy against SuperNET and anything NXT-related is up for debate, but it certainly leads to some troubling questions. SuperNET's initial marketing was low key by design, but the resistance we have felt from the larger crypto community has been unexpectedly strong. It seems that new ideas with active developers are being fought. This is a disease that must be rooted out in this community!
In the end, however, I am not worried. It is my contention that superior technology will always win, and that the long term market will always choose the strongest competitor. Crypto is a vibrant and exciting world, we all need to remember to keep pushing the boundaries of what is possible daily.
I don't know how u cant see that 90% of the shit coins getting release are released by the same groupe
That same group also create,s massif FUD party,s against any coin that try,s to be legit ( trying every ting to bring them down )
This includes news / bitcointalk / exchanges / devs / big twitter acc <<<< loads of them are all in that group
One,s u understand this and look back @ all this shit ( past 2 yr,s ) u will see it for yourself