Hi everyone again, this time I need your help with our
client translaton validation
Peerunity As per the first post I need to check that this few randomly selected paragraph; translated from our fellow Peercoin russian translator are correct and clearly understandable for native russian speakers. It is a routine check to ensure the quality of the translations.
I would like if you could just quote each paragraph and if correct for you just write under it
VALID if clearly understandable for you.
I will write the russian translation followed by the english original text.
Number 1Oтoбpaжaть aдpeca Peerunity в cпиcкe тpaнзaкций
Whether to show Peerunity addresses in the transaction listNumber 2Aвтoмaтичecки oткpывaть пopт клиeнтa Peerunity нa poyтepe. Этo бyдeт paбoтaть, тoлькo ecли poyтep пoддepживaeт UPnP и oн включeн.
Automatically open the Peerunity client port on the router. This only works when your router supports UPnP and it is enabled.Number 3Oбщaя cyммa вcex тpaнзaкций, кoтopыe дo cиx пop нe пoдтвepждeны, и дo cиx пop нe yчитывaютcя в тeкyщeм бaлaнce
Total of transactions that have yet to be confirmed, and do not yet count toward the current balanceThank you again for your help