I managed to get it working on Centos now
Heres how;
1. Followed kano's instructions from
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=85228.msg946289#msg946289I didnt want to install the newly built rpm for my whole system (repo protections, etc), so i then modified the vanitygen build to use the BUILD directory;
2. Edit Makefile as follows;
LIBS=-lpcre -lcrypto -lm -lpthread
CFLAGS=-ggdb -O3 -Wall
LIBS=-L/usr/src/redhat/BUILD/openssl-1.0.0j -lpcre -lcrypto -lm -lpthread
CFLAGS=-ggdb -O3 -Wall -I/usr/src/redhat/BUILD/openssl-1.0.0j/include
3. Build the vanitygen/oclvanitygen
make vanitygen && make oclvanitygen
As per the openssl build, I dont want to install it fully, so..
4. Copied to my homedir and chown'd to my user as my user owns the DISPLAY:0 session.
5. Ran the oclvanitygen with BUILD lib dir environment variable set (so as to load the right libcrypto.so)
env LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/src/redhat/BUILD/openssl-1.0.0j" ./oclvanitygen 1SomeName
which gave me a list of device numbers
Available OpenCL platforms:
0: [Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.] AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing
0: [Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.] Cayman
1: [GenuineIntel] Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 3.20GHz
6. Re-ran oclvanitygen with the OCL device number (-d <number>)
env LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/src/redhat/BUILD/openssl-1.0.0j" ./oclvanitygen -d 0 1SomeName
7. Watch as you realise that to find an 8 digit vanity address could take a long time on a single 6970.
Hope this helps anyone else