As a previous user of, there really are some striking similarities between the sites as CoinTheCoin pointed out, as well as a few other subtle things.
It's nothing close to conclusive at the moment, but even disregarding this potential avenue, I would still highly suggest to be extremely cautious as befitting such a site and given the "rich" history of bitcoin gambling site scams.
It especially doesn't help when it all sounds so sleezy. "The First Dedicated Bitcoin Sports Exchange", definitely not. Trying to deflect all criticism with the claim that it's just a beta? Having a Support "Team" when you aren't going to get basically any liquidity in the near future?
We understand your concerns but besides guarantee you that we are here to give our best and that it was the reason we started this, unfortunately there's nothing more at the moment we can do but wait to prove that there is no association at all.
Some users confirmed they have already called users from the other site to come to this topic, so let's just wait for their verdict. What reliefs us is that we are pretty sure that some of those people would remember exactly or share videos / images that could proof that the similarities with BetBTC are mere casuals non fundamented suspicions, we will wait for them to know concrete system things like:
GLOBAL site design (not a few spare things here and there. we use bootstrap design like many other sites, sometimes it may seem very similar.)? Were events imported automatically or admin imported only? What sports they had? How much time did bets took to process and credit on account after event finished? Detailed feature list/pages? Did they had trading support to allow betting with profit (auto credit balance/reduce loss in case of counter bets exist)? How many / What types of Markets per Event they have? Average Odd Displacement? Referral support anything similar? Market suspensions on goals/yellowcards/redcards? 2nd Auth Security? Multi Currency / Time-zone preferences?
We take the chance to remember that our
1.8BTC prize pool contest is running.
The first place has currently a Winning Percentage of 67.92% (Balance 8.39616 BTC vs Initial 5.0). ---> a wonderful weekend and good trades!