I'm a newbie trying to modify wallet code of an altcoin, mimicking dogecoin's transaction fees, but it looks like they've made a lot of other changes in their code.
I think this is the only section i need to modify, along with the updated nMinRelayTxFee and nMinFee
yes? no?
Should this be in a different section?
/** Fees smaller than this (in satoshi) are considered zero fee (for transaction creation) */
int64 CTransaction::nMinTxFee = 100000000;
/** Fees smaller than this (in satoshi) are considered zero fee (for relaying) */
int64 CTransaction::nMinRelayTxFee = 100000000;
int64 CTransaction::GetMinFee(unsigned int nBlockSize, bool fAllowFree,
enum GetMinFee_mode mode) const
// Base fee is either nMinTxFee or nMinRelayTxFee
int64 nBaseFee = (mode == GMF_RELAY) ? nMinRelayTxFee : nMinTxFee;
unsigned int nBytes = ::GetSerializeSize(*this, SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION);
unsigned int nNewBlockSize = nBlockSize + nBytes;
int64 nMinFee = (1 + (int64)nBytes / 1000) * nBaseFee;
if (fAllowFree && mode != GMF_SEND)
// Free transaction area up to 10,000 bytes
if (nBytes < 10000)
nMinFee = 0;
// To limit dust spam, add nBaseFee for each output less than DUST_SOFT_LIMIT 11-14-14
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, vout)
if (txout.nValue < DUST_SOFT_LIMIT)
nMinFee += nBaseFee;
if (!MoneyRange(nMinFee))
nMinFee = MAX_MONEY;
return nMinFee;