Looks like PFC are starting to pay people... This person came on chat with confirmation he just got PAID!
pasha: hashprofit money
pasha: 0.010 btc
andre1: @pasha, you received some?
sandrafed: what can prime gaps be used for though? seems more like a curiosity of science
pasha: Yes, I received a small payment from them
andre1: @pasha, I am not in PFC but hope you send some real proof here that you received any btc, never saw you here before so with respect I have my doubts
Meoartiyan is doing a colette
pasha: @andre1,
https://blockchain.info/address/1E2zniTqXThaFnNES26pNuwPZuw4SrLoNMpasha: with this purse had to pay 1537 people
pasha: I write to you with Russia)
andre1: @pasha, come on you mention 0.01 btc in previous post does not show there, anyway I will not comment anymore
Cryptoe: anrea1 .010 and .01 are the same
pasha: Not everyone had to translate, you can not believe me. Just seems this has been done to raise their currency, do not buy it
http://primerecords.dk/primegaps/gaps20.htmsandrafed ignored by Colette
CryptoGuppy: Somehow that actually makes sense... and a lot easier to believe they will be back and pay what they owe.
Colette: heyhet
CryptoGuppy: ...easier to believe *than that they will be back...
johnsmith: @pasha, why anyone not confirmed this?
pasha: I also do not understand why to pay, except that raise their currency
johnsmith: @pasha, any info about HP,emails?
pasha: What information do you ask? I just had to pay from HP. Like many of his compatriots