This is one of the reasons why I feel that
NASTY shares are undervalued compared to the bonds currently trading on the exchange. NastyMining gives shareholders ownership in the equipment, so they would benefit from a trade-up program to ASICs...
So if i understand correctly these shares pay out 1 MH/s for now. Buy owners of shares also own a share of the hardware so any additonal income is payed as dividends. The question is, does that happen right away or later on. It's sort of a strange hybrid between share and bond.
It is a strange hybrid between a share and a bond in that it is a share, setup to mimic a bond without the liability of not being able to grow with the release of ASICs. The first 3,200MH/s has been ordered (nearly a month ago) and dividends will start being paid as soon as the equipment has been received.
Questions on the NASTY offering should probably be made in the NastyMining thread. Sorry, didn't mean to hijack this one.