donny (OP)
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
May 18, 2011, 12:37:02 PM Last edit: May 19, 2011, 12:11:26 PM by donny |
Browser Bitcoin MinerI've made a fully browser-based bitcoin miner. You can start mining in your browser right now. Update: I'm planning on making an embeddable version of this so that can add it to a website and your visitors will mine bitcoin on your behalf. If you're interested in this, send me an email at (and if you're interested in beta testing it, mention that because I'm looking for a few people to beta test) Features- No download - Generate bitcoin in your browser
- No configuration - Just make an account and click "Start Generating"
- Instant payout with a minimum transfer of 0.01 BTC (to avoid fees)
- Works in nearly any browser
Compatible BrowsersI've tested it and it should work on all of the following browsers: - Firefox 3, 3.5, 3.6
- Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9
- Chrome
- Safari 3, 4, 5
- Opera 9, 10, 11
If you don't see your browser listed here, please try it anyway and leave a comment if it works. Getting Started1. Go to the bitcoin generation page and click "Start Generating". You should see the speed and the estimated time changing as in the screenshot below. 2. You can register an account while it's generating (if you've generated any so far, it'll be transfered to your new account) That's all it takes. Here's a screenshot of what it looks like when it's working: current payout is shown on the generation page. It's a simple pay-per-share with a fee of 3%. The miner requires Java version 1.5 or higher. Spread the wordI've tried to make it really easy for non-technical people to start bitcoin mining. If you have any non-technical friends, you can send them this link and maybe pique their interest in bitcoin. Once they've generated 0.01 BTC they'll have to download the standard bitcoin client so they can send it to themselves - hopefully this will increase the popularity of bitcoin. Problems/supportIf you have any questions or problems with this miner, please leave a comment here (or email It would help if you include your browser version and a screenshot. If you know how to, grab your Java version and (console/javascript errors) too.
May 18, 2011, 12:41:43 PM |
Started mining for about 10 seconds, then just stopped and dropped down to 0.
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
May 18, 2011, 12:44:39 PM |
I'll Try!
May 18, 2011, 12:51:47 PM |
Does this try to use the opencl interface in Firefox 4, Chrome, and IE9 or is it strictly CPU?
Ubuntu Desktop x64 - HD5850 Reference - 400Mh/s w/ cgminer @ 975C/325M/1.175V - 11.6/2.1 SDK Donate if you find this helpful: 1NimouHg2acbXNfMt5waJ7ohKs2TtYHePy
Activity: 29
Merit: 0
May 18, 2011, 12:52:20 PM |
Was thinking of setting up something like this, congrats on pulling it of.
Can Java access Cuda/OpenCL?
Oh, and from a HCI perspective, it'd be nicer if the start button became a stop button after being clicked; or that they were next to each other; or that it was more obvious that the start button had been pressed (I'm colourblind, I had to watch the numbers to see if I'd actually pushed it).
Also, it sux that leaving the page to register stops the miner, dunno waht u can do about that, maybe make the signup link on the front page ajax with login pop-over?
Good work anyway.
donny (OP)
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
May 18, 2011, 12:53:23 PM |
Started mining for about 10 seconds, then just stopped and dropped down to 0.
I'll give you what is probably the most common reply a developer gives: It works for me. I've run it on a few computers and it seems to be working. What browser are you using? If you reload the page and click start again does it work?
donny (OP)
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
May 18, 2011, 12:55:01 PM |
Does this try to use the opencl interface in Firefox 4, Chrome, and IE9 or is it strictly CPU?
Right now it's strictly CPU. I'll probably try to add opencl some time. To be honest I didn't realize it had that much support. I thought Chrome was the only browser that had it.
May 18, 2011, 12:57:05 PM |
It's based on Java, can you show us the code? Is this: function createMiner(l,m,n){var h;$j(function(){deployJava.getJREs().length==0?$j("#no_java_warning").show():h=setTimeout(o,8E3)});var o=function(){i||$j("#waiting_for_java").show()},i=!1,c=[],j=0,e=0,f=0,k=function(){setTimeout(k,1E3);var b=g.getKHashesPerSec();$j("#mining_khashes_per_second").html(b);c.push(b);c.length>60&&c.shift();for(var a=0,d=0;d<c.length;d++)a+=c[d],d<30&&c[d]<b*0.75&&(a+=b-c[d]);a/=c.length;b==0&&(a=0);b=1193/a;a<1&&(b=0);$j("#avg_hours").html(b.toFixed(2));a=Math.round(a); $j("#avg_speed").html(a);a=g.getPayouts();$j("#mining_success").html(a);j!=a&&(j=a,e=(new Date).getTime());f===0&&(e===0?a=0:(a=(new Date).getTime()-e,a<7E3?a=0:(a=a/36E5*100/b,a>300&&(a=0),a>100&&(a=99))),$j("#mining_progressbar").progressbar("value",a))};$j(function(){$j("#mining_progressbar").progressbar({value:0})});var g=BitcoinPlusMiner({userMiningToken:l,autostart:!1,initialized:function(){i=!0;clearTimeout(h);$j("#no_java_warning").hide();$j("#waiting_for_java").hide();$j("#start_mining_btn").removeAttr("disabled"); setTimeout(k,1E3);$j("#mining_status").html("Ready")},serverURL:m,appletJarURL:n});return{mining_start:function(){g.start();$j("#start_mining_btn").attr("disabled","disabled");f==0?e=(new Date).getTime():(e+=(new Date).getTime()-f,f=0);$j("#mining_status").html("Generating")},mining_stop:function(){g.stop();$j("#start_mining_btn").removeAttr("disabled");f=(new Date).getTime();$j("#mining_status").html("Stopped")}}}; var BitcoinPlusMiner=function(n){var a={debug:null,firefoxJavaVersion:null,myInterval:null,preInstallJREList:null,returnPage:null,brand:null,locale:null,installType:null,EAInstallEnabled:!1,EarlyAccessURL:null,getJavaURL:"",appleRedirectPage:"",oldMimeType:"application/npruntime-scriptable-plugin;DeploymentToolkit",mimeType:"application/java-deployment-toolkit",launchButtonPNG:"", browserName:null,browserName2:null,getJREs:function(){var b=[];if(a.isPluginInstalled())for(var c=a.getPlugin().jvms,d=0;d<c.getLength();d++)b[d]=c.get(d).version;else if(c=a.getBrowser(),c=="MSIE")a.testUsingActiveX("1.7.0")?b[0]="1.7.0":a.testUsingActiveX("1.6.0")?b[0]="1.6.0":a.testUsingActiveX("1.5.0")?b[0]="1.5.0":a.testUsingActiveX("1.4.2")?b[0]="1.4.2":a.testForMSVM()&&(b[0]="1.1");else if(c=="Netscape Family")a.getJPIVersionUsingMimeType(),a.firefoxJavaVersion!=null?b[0]=a.firefoxJavaVersion: a.testUsingMimeTypes("1.7")?b[0]="1.7.0":a.testUsingMimeTypes("1.6")?b[0]="1.6.0":a.testUsingMimeTypes("1.5")?b[0]="1.5.0":a.testUsingMimeTypes("1.4.2")?b[0]="1.4.2":a.browserName2=="Safari"&&(a.testUsingPluginsArray("1.7.0")?b[0]="1.7.0":a.testUsingPluginsArray("1.6")?b[0]="1.6.0":a.testUsingPluginsArray("1.5")?b[0]="1.5.0":a.testUsingPluginsArray("1.4.2")&&(b[0]="1.4.2"));if(a.debug)for(d=0;d<b.length;++d)alert("We claim to have detected Java SE "+b[d]);return b},installJRE:function(b){if(a.isPluginInstalled())if(a.getPlugin().installJRE(b)){a.refresh(); 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c.c=h.serverURL;c.d=h.difficulty;c.e=l();c.f=l();c.g=l();window[c.e]=function(){h.initialized()};window[c.f]=function(a){m||(m=!0,o(a))};window[c.g]=function(a){jQuery.ajax({url:a+"&callback=?",dataType:"jsonp",timeout:5E3})};a.runApplet(b,c,"1.5");i=document.getElementById("btcminer")})();return{start:function(){i.a()},stop:function(){i.b()},getKHashesPerSec:function(){return i.c()},getPayouts:function(){return i.d()}}}; Can you show us which pool we are helping with our rigs?
donny (OP)
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
May 18, 2011, 12:58:46 PM |
Was thinking of setting up something like this, congrats on pulling it of.
Can Java access Cuda/OpenCL?
Oh, and from a HCI perspective, it'd be nicer if the start button became a stop button after being clicked; or that they were next to each other; or that it was more obvious that the start button had been pressed (I'm colourblind, I had to watch the numbers to see if I'd actually pushed it).
Also, it sux that leaving the page to register stops the miner, dunno waht u can do about that, maybe make the signup link on the front page ajax with login pop-over?
Good work anyway.
I'm sure Java can do Cuda/OpenCL, I'm not sure if it can be done in an applet (at least an unsigned one). You're right about the button, I should probably change that. I'm colourblind too - on FF though it does look fairly distinct, I think on IE it's not that obvious though. I made a few of the links open in a new tab to prevent page navigation from stopping the miner. The ones at the top open in the same window though.
May 18, 2011, 12:59:08 PM |
Can you add on option to add other login/pass that have a restricted access to the account (they can just mine and nothing else, even change the password) ?
donny (OP)
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
May 18, 2011, 01:02:10 PM |
It's based on Java, can you show us the code? Is this:
--SNIP block of JS--
Can you show us which pool we are helping with our rigs?
It is based on java. Right now I'm keeping it closed, although I may open source it in the future. The back-end stuff actually connects to a pool of pools. Right now the split is: 62.5% to slush's pool, 18.75% to deepbit, 18.75% to my own bitcoind. I've weighted slush's pool higher right now because deepbit has too much computing power right now, we need to even it up a bit.
donny (OP)
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
May 18, 2011, 01:05:53 PM |
Can you add on option to add other login/pass that have a restricted access to the account (they can just mine and nothing else) ?
Yes, I've got plans for something similar: a link that will open the miner in your name but doesn't require a username/password. So you could have your friends mine for you, or use it on an insecure computer. Right now there's a trick you can use in the mean time: - log in
- start generating
- open up the "my account" page in a new window
- click "logout"
The miner will still be able to mine for you, but if someone comes to the computer, you're logged out.
Activity: 49
Merit: 0
May 18, 2011, 01:07:21 PM |
Can you add on option to add other login/pass that have a restricted access to the account (they can just mine and nothing else) ?
Yes, I've got plans for something similar: a link that will open the miner in your name but doesn't require a username/password. So you could have your friends mine for you, or use it on an insecure computer. Right now there's a trick you can use in the mean time: - log in
- start generating
- open up the "my account" page in a new window
- click "logout"
The miner will still be able to mine for you, but if someone comes to the computer, you're logged out. Awesome, will use this, thanks. Can I have multiple PCs mining for the same account with this?
donny (OP)
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
May 18, 2011, 01:11:13 PM |
Can you add on option to add other login/pass that have a restricted access to the account (they can just mine and nothing else) ?
Yes, I've got plans for something similar: a link that will open the miner in your name but doesn't require a username/password. So you could have your friends mine for you, or use it on an insecure computer. Right now there's a trick you can use in the mean time: - log in
- start generating
- open up the "my account" page in a new window
- click "logout"
The miner will still be able to mine for you, but if someone comes to the computer, you're logged out. Awesome, will use this, thanks. Can I have multiple PCs mining for the same account with this? Absolutely. You can run it on as many computers as you like, all under the same account. You could even run it in multiple browser windows/tabs - it wouldn't go any faster, but it would work.
Activity: 49
Merit: 0
May 18, 2011, 01:15:59 PM |
It shouldn't be necessary to register with name and email address. It should be sufficient to enter your payout address into a field of the applet (if applets are able to communicate this to the server), otherwise use an HTML form field or allow the Bitcoin receiving address to be appended to the URL of the "generate" page.
+1, this would be quite a nice feature, specially with the url function.
May 18, 2011, 01:18:49 PM |
Yes, I've got plans for something similar: a link that will open the miner in your name but doesn't require a username/password. So you could have your friends mine for you, or use it on an insecure computer.
Good, i wait for that Right now there's a trick you can use in the mean time: - log in
- start generating
- open up the "my account" page in a new window
- click "logout"
The miner will still be able to mine for you, but if someone comes to the computer, you're logged out. Not sufficient for my case, but maybe for some others :p It shouldn't be necessary to register with name and email address. It should be sufficient to enter your payout address into a field of the applet (if applets are able to communicate this to the server), otherwise use an HTML form field or allow the Bitcoin receiving address to be appended to the URL of the "generate" page. It could not be more simple :p. A good solution too.
donny (OP)
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
May 18, 2011, 01:22:31 PM |
It shouldn't be necessary to register with name and email address. It should be sufficient to enter your payout address into a field of the applet (if applets are able to communicate this to the server), otherwise use an HTML form field or allow the Bitcoin receiving address to be appended to the URL of the "generate" page.
I hadn't thought of doing that, I'll definitely consider it. One problem that I'd need to work out first: what would I do if you didn't generate enough to cover the fee of sending it? eg only 0.005 BTC. Right now it just goes in your account until you mine enough. Hmmm I suppose I could store how much has been mined for a certain bitcoin address and send it once there's enough. I'll have to think about how to do that with my current system.
May 18, 2011, 01:23:59 PM |
very very useful! well done!
Activity: 49
Merit: 0
May 18, 2011, 01:33:08 PM |
It shouldn't be necessary to register with name and email address. It should be sufficient to enter your payout address into a field of the applet (if applets are able to communicate this to the server), otherwise use an HTML form field or allow the Bitcoin receiving address to be appended to the URL of the "generate" page.
I hadn't thought of doing that, I'll definitely consider it. One problem that I'd need to work out first: what would I do if you didn't generate enough to cover the fee of sending it? eg only 0.005 BTC. Right now it just goes in your account until you mine enough. Hmmm I suppose I could store how much has been mined for a certain bitcoin address and send it once there's enough. I'll have to think about how to do that with my current system. Wouldn't it essentially be storing it in the same way when a bit coin address = an account? Instead of the e-mail, you'd have the address, and there would be no need for a password.
donny (OP)
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
May 18, 2011, 01:39:38 PM |
It shouldn't be necessary to register with name and email address. It should be sufficient to enter your payout address into a field of the applet (if applets are able to communicate this to the server), otherwise use an HTML form field or allow the Bitcoin receiving address to be appended to the URL of the "generate" page.
I hadn't thought of doing that, I'll definitely consider it. One problem that I'd need to work out first: what would I do if you didn't generate enough to cover the fee of sending it? eg only 0.005 BTC. Right now it just goes in your account until you mine enough. Hmmm I suppose I could store how much has been mined for a certain bitcoin address and send it once there's enough. I'll have to think about how to do that with my current system. Wouldn't it essentially be storing it in the same way when a bit coin address = an account? Instead of the e-mail, you'd have the address, and there would be no need for a password. Yup. In my code though I made assumptions about the username always being an email address. I should be able to work something out for this though. I'm curious why you guys would like that feature - is it just to make it easy to stay anonymous? If you're worried about that then until I have this feature you can give a fake/temporary email - I don't validate it, it's only used to email a link to reset your password in case you forget. Are there other reasons? It's helpful as a developer to know why users want a certain feature, to make sure I give you what you want.