time is right +-2sec... or how accurate it should be?
there are many records in debug.log so i actually don't know what exactly matters
may be this...
received: addr (26003 bytes)
received: addr (26003 bytes)
received: addr (26003 bytes)
received: addr (26003 bytes)
received: addr (26003 bytes)
received: addr (26003 bytes)
received: addr (26003 bytes)
received: addr (26003 bytes)
received: addr (599 bytes)
trying connection lastseen=-0,9hrs lasttry=-356193,4hrs
IRC got join
IRC got join
trying connection lastseen=-0,9hrs lasttry=-356193,4hrs
trying connection lastseen=-0,9hrs lasttry=-356193,4hrs
trying connection lastseen=-0,9hrs lasttry=-356193,4hrs
sending: version (87 bytes)
sending: addr (27 bytes)
sending: getaddr (0 bytes)
received: version (87 bytes)
Added time data, samples 6, offset +0 (+0 minutes)
sending: verack (0 bytes)
version message: version 310, blocks=75261
trying connection lastseen=-0,9hrs lasttry=-356193,4hrs
sending: version (87 bytes)
sending: addr (27 bytes)
sending: getaddr (0 bytes)
received: version (87 bytes)
Added time data, samples 7, offset +6 (+0 minutes)
-5 -3 -2 +0 +0 +3 +6 | nTimeOffset = +0 (+0 minutes)
sending: verack (0 bytes)
version message: version 310, blocks=75261
received: verack (0 bytes)
trying connection lastseen=-0,9hrs lasttry=-356193,4hrs
received: verack (0 bytes)
sending: version (87 bytes)
sending: addr (27 bytes)
sending: getaddr (0 bytes)
received: version (87 bytes)
Added time data, samples 8, offset -5 (+0 minutes)
sending: verack (0 bytes)
version message: version 310, blocks=75261
trying connection lastseen=-0,9hrs lasttry=-356193,4hrs
received: verack (0 bytes)
sending: version (87 bytes)
sending: addr (27 bytes)
sending: getaddr (0 bytes)
received: version (87 bytes)
Added time data, samples 9, offset +0 (+0 minutes)
-5 -5 -3 -2 +0 +0 +0 +3 +6 | nTimeOffset = +0 (+0 minutes)
sending: verack (0 bytes)
version message: version 310, blocks=75261
received: verack (0 bytes)
received: addr (26003 bytes)
received: addr (26003 bytes)
received: addr (26003 bytes)
received: addr (26003 bytes)
received: addr (26003 bytes)
received: addr (26003 bytes)
IRC got who
IRC got who
IRC got who
trying connection lastseen=-0,9hrs lasttry=-356193,4hrs
IRC got who
IRC got who
IRC got who
IRC got who
IRC got who
IRC got who
IRC got who
IRC got who
sending: version (87 bytes)
sending: addr (27 bytes)
sending: getaddr (0 bytes)
IRC got who
IRC got who
or this)
IRC got who
IRC got who
IRC got who
received: addr (26003 bytes)
IRC got who
IRC got who
IRC got who
received: addr (26003 bytes)
IRC got who
IRC got who
IRC got who
IRC got who
received: addr (26003 bytes)
IRC got who
IRC got who
IRC got who
sending: inv (253 bytes)
IRC got who
IRC got who
received: version (85 bytes)
Added time data, samples 5, offset -63 (-1 minutes)
-63 -7 -5 +0 +4 | nTimeOffset = -5 (+0 minutes)
sending: verack (0 bytes)
version message: version 303, blocks=75248
IRC got who
received: verack (0 bytes)
received: addr (26003 bytes)
IRC got who
IRC got who
received: addr (26003 bytes)
IRC got who
IRC got who
IRC got who
received: addr (26003 bytes)
IRC got who
And maybe program should stop calculating blocks when it losts connection to the network? Otherwise what that calculation for? Why it's possible to calculate whitout connection?
awesome image

rrrrrr! the problem is - i'm not recieving new blocks as soon as they created. why this stupid thing happens?