Nice. I just read your opposition and it seems very solid.
It's important to fight these dodgy trademarks before they get approved. Trademark owners can attempt to obtain domain names by threatening to make a false cyber-squatting claim against the owner, even though they have no right to the name and would lose in court. It is called "reverse domain hijacking". They are basically hoping that the owner will be too intimidated or embarrassed to defend their property and so will cave in to their demands.
Mt. gox already have registered marks for "bitcoin" in the EU and I think Japan. I heard stories that some people had trouble registering domains because that trademark is in the trademark clearinghouse database. Not sure about this this because bitcoin was registered in several new TLD's. In any case a TM owner of "Bitcoin" in any class can top domain registrations since a domain does not have a class associated with it like trademarks.