Basically, you have the right to face your accuser. You have the right to question your accuser when he/she is on the stand. Your accuser must verify under oath or affirmation whatever he/she is accusing you of. There must be evidence. There must be a witness that identifies you. There must be harm to someone or damage to someone's property with clear evidence that it was you that did the harm or damage.
If your accuser is the State or Federal, get them on the stand to testify. If the State (not its attorney representative) doesn't get on the stand so you can question it, and so that it can verify its claim against you, or if it doesn't appear in court when you require, at worst, case dismissed. At best, you counter-sue the State for damages.
This is the same if it is a corporation or company attacking you. A corporation can't get on the stand (just like the State can't) because the corporation doesn't have an actual voice with which it can testify. The attorney for the corporation can't testify except if he has firsthand, direct knowledge of the incident. The CEO can't testify because he is only the CEO, not the corporation, etc.
Since your case is over, your best bet is to contact Karl Lentz to see if he will work with you direct. You may be able to reopen your case, or file a claim against anybody from the judge to your own attorney for doing things wrong. Generally, once there has been a jury trial, it is very difficult to reverse the verdict of the jury. But you may be able to sue people for damages so that your suit winnings cover the expenses of your judgment and sentence.
Websites for Karl are:, to show what Karl does and how he does it are:, not Karl: