Obviously people here are gonna hate, but everyone knows who Iconic Expert is and he is openly developing Bytecent.
I think open identity is only part of it. A good step, but obviously it does not preclude a con that is completely convinced of itself to the degree that Iconic Expert is. It is obviously difficult to quash a con that conned itself first.
I say so simply due to all the past history where that con essentially convinced himself and others how he is 'right' in downright stealing money while breaking promises and lying again and again.
I would respectfully disagree with your suggestion - IE is just another good example of a con that is simply convinced of itself. IE's 'record' speaks for itself - he is a self-deluded con that is in a worse place then most anonymous scammers because he is actually convinced he is justified in stealing people's money with half-baked excuses.
However, you bring up a point about the dangers of open public identity being not the end all be all of a developer's worth. In that case, past records is certainly another way to consider if an individual is a real deal.
That is just another reason for me to consider NOXT and Noblecoin leader Jason L. Curby in higher regard. He did register officially as business and just recently released official business summary and government documentation of his business plans - and I have been following his work since last january.