I don't usually come out on film as my working hours dictate a vampire night shift schedule...
However on this occasion, the photographer was greeted with success, so here we go

In other news:
Final stages of the conversion from the old block-tree transaction ledger to the new (and very nicely named) `Transaction Forest` ledger are about to take place, with about 60% of the conversion done so far and proving VERY successful.
Lots of work is currently underway on the paper (finally I hear you all say) now that all the root tech is nailed down and set in stone. I'm not working on this alone and have had a eMunie forum member staying with me over the past week who is a technical expert & had plenty of experience writing papers. There is a lot to cover, its going to be quite large, but we should have this done, proof-read and checked by mid-late Jan.
Finally I made an announcement a few weeks ago on the eMunie forums that there would be an IPO sometime in Q1 along with a corresponding beta. You can find this post here
https://forum.emunie.com/threads/planned-ipo-schedule.2023/Last but not least, I'm most likely not going to post another thread here for a few weeks as things are busy....so Merry Christmas to you all and a Happy New Year!
