I have been asked to list the benefits of Integration. So here it is:-
1. Point of Sale Mobile App currently available in Android and soon in IOS.
2. Online Payment Gateway (Will be available soon)
3. Debit Card for people to use at a Nuovocard Merchant. There will be no waiting time as the transaction will be confirmed instantly.
4. Use our App as a Mobile Wallet for your Coin. Although, we dont provide complete wallet features like downloading the private key, it is alot more easy to use and less hassle. Also it is equal or more secure than private wallets of most people as we have our wallet backed up in multiple locations and is encrypted to the highest security standards.
5. Instant Send(Starting Soon), Withdrawal and Deposits even on the Blockchain transactions. All wallet passphrases are stored in the memory of the servers and so it cannot be discovered even if you are inside the server.
6. Instant conversion to Bitcoins at the best available market rates to pay at a Merchant who only accepts Bitcoins in the Nuovocard Network.
So please feel free to pm me if you have any more questions or contact us at