shursight (OP)
December 16, 2014, 11:34:40 PM Last edit: December 18, 2014, 07:23:55 PM by shursight |
Everyone has an exchange that they feel is best for them. There are a few big players like bittrex and cryptsy, but there are others that are very good exchanges also.
I am interested in knowing which exchange everyone thinks is the best one to use. Whether its a big player like Bittrex or maybe one that may be overlooked.
As long as it is a legitimate exchange that is not fly by night. Please don't use this to promote scam exchanges. I created this topic to try to help people find exchanges that are here for the long run.
Please include why you like the exchange you list here. Things like how old the exchange is, how active and professional. things like that.
I will keep updating and listing the results as we go.
Bittrex, Allcoin, Poloniex, Cryptsy and Bter seem to be peoples choice in that order.
A few negative comments for Cryptsy and Bter so I put them at the end.
Askcoin was metioned but was a warning
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Activity: 28
Merit: 0
December 16, 2014, 11:55:25 PM |
Askcoin is clearly manipulating their trade history, I would be very wary of them.
shursight (OP)
December 17, 2014, 12:04:55 AM |
Askcoin is clearly manipulating their trade history, I would be very wary of them.
Thanks. This is going to be a good topic. 
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Activity: 54
Merit: 0
December 17, 2014, 01:02:36 AM |
It is hard to say which ones are the best, they are all a bit shady if you ask me. On that note, I have been using btce for litecoin due to them being the most liquid way to trade ltc. Bittrex and Cryptsy for most other alts because they seem to have the most volume on the other alt coins I like to trade. I would stay far away from bter after the whole bitbay scandal.
shursight (OP)
December 17, 2014, 01:57:25 AM |
They're all junk
Can you explain? Do you feel they are all scams? I don't really know what you mean by that statement.
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December 17, 2014, 02:13:04 AM |
They're all junk
Can you explain? Do you feel they are all scams? I don't really know what you mean by that statement. I don't trust any of them. Yes, I do feel like they're all scams.
December 17, 2014, 02:51:43 AM Last edit: December 17, 2014, 04:45:40 AM by kekek |
A good piece of advice would be to never leave your coins on an exchange, not a single one is trustworthy. I've seen many people get screwed over by even the bigger names, especially cryptsy
Activity: 2506
Merit: 1030
Twitter @realmicroguy
December 17, 2014, 03:10:35 AM |
I am interested in knowing which exchange everyone thinks is the best one to use.
This is the easiest question ever posted. The answer is... Cryptsy!
Activity: 1582
Merit: 1019
December 17, 2014, 03:12:40 AM |
I am interested in knowing which exchange everyone thinks is the best one to use.
This is the easiest question ever posted. The answer is any exchange but Cryptsy! FIXED
Jump you fuckers! | The thing about smart motherfuckers is they sound like crazy motherfuckers to dumb motherfuckers. | My sig space for rent for 0.01 btc per week.
shursight (OP)
December 17, 2014, 03:46:05 AM |
I figured that a lot of people would say cryptsy or bittrex. They are definitely the big players. I would like to throw another one in the mix also.
I really like allcoin. They have been around for a while now . They seem to stay on top of things. if you have an issue they always do what they can to fix it.
In my opinion allcoin is an exchange that should be used much more than it is.
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Activity: 4228
Merit: 1480
Life, Love and Laughter...
December 17, 2014, 03:55:30 AM |
Everyone has an exchange that they feel is best for them. There are a few big players like bittrex and cryptsy, but there are others that are very good exchanges also.
I am interested in knowing which exchange everyone thinks is the best one to use. Whether its a big player like Bittrex or maybe one that may be overlooked.
As long as it is a legitimate exchange that is not fly by night. Please don't use this to promote scam exchanges. I created this topic to try to help people find exchanges that are here for the long run.
Please include why you like the exchange you list here. Things like how old the exchange is, how active and professional. things like that.
I will keep updating and listing the results as we go.
always go for the most volume of the coin you're planning to trade:
R |
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Activity: 1876
Merit: 1014
December 17, 2014, 07:48:02 AM |
I really like Allcoin for how they keep supporting coins that have lower volume for a while.
Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Block Bastards
December 17, 2014, 10:05:50 AM |
Everyone has an exchange that they feel is best for them. There are a few big players like bittrex and cryptsy, but there are others that are very good exchanges also.
I am interested in knowing which exchange everyone thinks is the best one to use. Whether its a big player like Bittrex or maybe one that may be overlooked.
As long as it is a legitimate exchange that is not fly by night. Please don't use this to promote scam exchanges. I created this topic to try to help people find exchanges that are here for the long run.
Please include why you like the exchange you list here. Things like how old the exchange is, how active and professional. things like that.
I will keep updating and listing the results as we go.
I would say is bter.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
December 17, 2014, 07:09:16 PM |
I use cryptsy most times but also think allcoin is a good exchange too. Both are very user friendly and easy to deposit and withdraw.
shursight (OP)
December 18, 2014, 05:12:34 AM |
So far Cryptsy and Allcoin seem to be most popular.
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December 18, 2014, 06:52:21 AM |
Poloniex is my favorite exchange. Bittrex is good too.
December 18, 2014, 08:50:42 AM |
im use poloniex and cryptsy.. its best for me
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December 18, 2014, 02:14:35 PM |
Bittrex for me.
Activity: 3948
Merit: 6775
Looking for campaign manager? Contact icopress!
December 18, 2014, 02:17:09 PM |
Poloniex is the one that always worked best for me.
I did some attempts with most of the other exchanges, but sooner or later I returned to Poloniex.