unfortunately im a fool who wnna invest in cloudmining n wnna trust cloudminr.io but.................................! i have a feeling they might not stick.
That bing said ill buy 300gh/s for .2 if u are willing to sell fr that amt.
Also the reason i called u ponzi is u are selling at the same price as the website. I can get buy it at .001 with promo code anytime....
VIP rate is 0.0011 and they have a christmas promotion at 0.00105 Today so I can sell at
0.0009/GHS 300GHS for 0.27 for the exact same GHS you are buying on the website. 100GHS 200GHS or 300GHS as you want.
Cloudminr will transfer the GHS to your cloudminr account anytime you want.
If you are interested you can send here : 1FksNtR3tAT4nDCCXvJohY9pyX5zvRNm78 or escrow. Once you send, the sell is final.
question: if its legit and paying why are u selling the hash ? wldnt it profit u to keep it?
I will keep most my GHS because I will profit from it but I want to invest some of it in just-dice bankroll.