There will be violence happening as long as people cant meet their at least minimum requeriments (see maslow pyramid). What is your plan?
aha, I think you are wrong, there is no marker, no income or wealth or education or intelligence or what ever level necessary to act violently. I think your line of thought is a dangerous one. It gives excuses to act violently and rationalize it, there is a difference between a beggar and a criminal. One didn't act against the will of another individual, but for both it's possible to not meet their at least minimum requirements as you put it. Furthermore your approach waste time to understand what ever could be the motive, when in reality only the realization of the event, and following the prevention and or elimination of a reoccurrences is critical at the time.
However yes, I have a plan... it's called removing legal impunity - protection that the offenders enjoy actually. hehehe, for example
it could be extending eo 12333 to sexual assaults - rapes to be able to legally recognize all the collected data for something useful, like reducing significantly such acts by eliminating those perpetuating them. It's not that I want to kill anyone, but I don't see any other constitutional realist solution to a problem that affect too much People in the USA. The core problem is that I don't like violence but I don't see any other option against violent people.
What is tragic is that for most Keynesian believers, acts of violence and their damages are a source of economic growth (health, what ever can be used to mitigate - health ptsd of such events)... It's just I think that's the kind of fallacies that need to be fractalized without mercy until each key individual supporting - abiding - helping - financing and those responsible of violence are taken out of the path to peaceful, prosper and harmonious growth.
The "Weaks" buy&sell, store, hoard and produce, we just need them to get to the market safely, what ever stand in the Path of People and their will to participate in a market will be hashed. And it's improving "readyness" in the contexts of the USMIIC. Those biomasses have shown no mercy, no consideration to their victims, showing toward them any kind of mercy is a weakness that they will exploit at the first opportunity. I don't like useless risk. your feel good isn't worth improvement toward collective safety.
-Violence Free Streets-