Hey all,
Hopefully you've all seen Matonis' (
https://twitter.com/jonmatonis) latest article on Wikipedia's terrible hypocrisy - accepting donations from currencies backed by free-speech-stifling nations, yet refusing to accept the open, honest, non-political Bitcoin currency (calling it "artificial," unlike USD I guess).
http://www.forbes.com/sites/jonmatonis/2012/06/29/wikipedia-accepts-enemies-of-the-internet-currencies/Anyway, this made me mad. Wikipedia is one of the bastions of free speech on the internet, and for them to so callously reject Bitcoin because a government has not approved it, that bothers me greatly. It'd be okay if they simply said, "we don't understand Bitcoin yet, so we'll revisit it later" or something... but to explicitly state they won't accept it because governments don't sponsor Bitcoin, well that is not acceptable.
Indeed, are they not aware of all the articles on their site that are as "artificial" as Bitcoin? Few Wikipedia articles were approved or endorsed by any state, yet they accept them (and rightly so). Why is the payment of funds, which serves in tandem with free speech, being censored? If Bitcoin is invalid because it is "artificial," so too is every article in Wikipedia's library. And of course, they don't even need to hold the Bitcoin after receiving them - Bitcoins can be exchanged instantly and automatically for USD upon receipt, exposing Wikipedia to zero currency exchange risk.
And here's a crucial point: for you to currently donate to Wikipedia, you must use a credit card or paypal that is attached your identity. That means any government that wants to know who is funding Wikipedia can find out. Not ideal. With Bitcoin, donors can be anonymous, so even controversial speech can be supported and defended. Consider the Chinese citizen who works behind the scenes to further free speech... if he donates to Wikipedia, he puts himself in danger. If he had Bitcoin as a donation option, he is safe.
Wikipedia is actually forcing donors to put themselves at risk with their current policy.So to prove the inextricable link between free speech and free transfer of money, I've created a FeedZeBirds Twitter campaign:
"#Wikipedia #hypocrisy - censoring #bitcoin, accepting tyrant currencies onforb.es/MEGiCS"
Please help fund and retweet this campaign to your Twitter followers via http://www.feedzebirds.com/zgzsb!! Let's show Wikipedia what real free speech looks like. Literally millions of eyes will see the message.See and retweet the campaign here:
http://www.feedzebirds.com/zgzsbDonate to fund this campaign here (1 btc buys 900,000 impressions):