Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the whole concept of Bitcoin go against the concept of a traditional bank?
I'm pretty sure we're our own "bank", and control our money, and are in charge of securing and making sure it's safe.
Either that or I have to read the original white paper again...
You are absolutely right that Bitcoin is created to be decentralized.
But the problem here is OP can't control his own gambling addiction, and so he just don't want to be his own bank.
Bitcoin doesn't solve his problem, but a wife or girlfriend may.
I don't know. Banks are frowned upon because they pursue something unethical. The bank itself is not to blame for that, it's the people in the bank and the course they persist to stay. (does that make me a communist?) Much like a gun a bank is unwanted in the hands of those with malicious ambitions. It's a shame all moneymen have been deformed to profitseeking warmongerers, but what's new since Waterloo eh?
A useful function of a bank is acting as a vault, which in itself is not a bad thing. Back in the day people used banks to keep their money safe because other people would steal it from under their beds while they slept. Some still do. A bitcoin vault is not a bad thing, although imo things of value cannot remain passive to be of any importance, nice paintings aside maybe
A central vault is nothing diabolical as long as we learn from mistakes made in the past. Safekeeping, and really keeping it not taking it and buying useless mortgages, is a service that can be useful for more than 1 reason.