So I'm looking to buy the 5830 for just Bitcoin mining and I'm just wondering who's the best manufacturer?
I see a lot of the 5830's in the marketplace are by Sapphire.
This is for single GPU mining by the way, I don't plan on running crossfire.
Well, I liked the xfx 5830 as it had double lifetime warranty and I forget if it had over voltage control or not.
I liked the sapphire xtreme 5830 as it had over voltage control but with only a certain warranty not sure wha it was.
In between the two, I found by xfx and sapphire from experience to be the best. Take your pick.
Oh, the fan on the xfx kept dieing and xfx kept sending off a new fan unit every 3 weeks upto 3 times. I ended up slapping a 120mm fan on the hs.