are these bot genrated views ? if not can u add keywords to target visitors whome u want to show ur website ?
no, these are real visits from real people
the website has protection against bots along with captcha
Are you allowed any adult content on those visits?
Adult Content or Sexually Themed Material is not allowed
Websites containing malicious script or code, excessive pop-ups, or viruses are prohibited. In summary, and without being exhaustive, no sites promoting the follow shall be submitted to PaidVerts:
Adult Content or Sexually Themed Material
Drugs and Drug Paraphernalia
Tobacco Sales
Discriminatory Practices
Hate / Violence Sites
Weapons Sales
Pharmaceutical Sales
Illegal Downloads including movies, MP3, software etc.
PaidVerts reserves the right to reject advertisements at our sole discretion. No refunds will be issued if your ad campaign is cancelled for promoting malicious or illegal content. And a discressionary fine of up to 10,000 Bonus Ad Points may be deducted from any offending purchases.