What happened:: This scam happened 3-4 months ago, on September 29 2014 to be exact. The scam happened in the form of a trust scam when exchanging bitcoins for fiat at localbitcoins. Emails were exchanged before, during and after the exchange. After, the scammer left without a word. Here are the proofs shown below. I have sent messages via bitcointalk and social networking accounts that i have uncovered belonging to the scammer and recently in use: facebook, twitter etc.. Through the messages, i have urged the scammer to reply to me through email, bitcointalk PMs, posts and/or via his social networking accounts. Through the contents of the messages, i have given him a deadline to reply to me and negotiate the terms of repayment. I will only agree to 3 types of repayment given current circumstances(without negotiation):
i. Total amount scammed in btcs: 5.5BTC
ii.Total amount of fiat as per agreed: 8000MYR
iii.3 BTC + The other 2.5BTC to be negotiated but >= 80% BPI at coindesk.com
However i have given him a chance to own up to his mistakes and am giving him until January 10 2015 to repent and reply to my messages. Then, we can negotiate repayment. But if he does not, his personal information will be posted below, eg. social network accounts, HP details...
Scammers Profile Link: Bitcointalk:
References: Trade was done of forum.
https://blockchain.info/tx/4f5092f46fc02be4d3f63a5a2761ff876f14fb6cf1b3d1afc6b042127028e39bi. shows proof of payment. ii, iii, and iv reveal that the scammer has exchanged most or all of the bitcoins plus extra from his other addresses.
Below shows some crappy paint edited(cutting and placing 2 evidences or linkage together only) screenshots:
Amount Scammed: 5.5 bitcoins/8000MYR
Payment Method: Bank Transfer
Proof of Payment: https://blockchain.info/tx/d18e0dcae474a03f6b8af09412a8a7728511bc405d81c3e79d918e60cac97657Address:
This is Bitcoinexp, 4/1/2015
Signature: HG0vU9dtlcUf+NbgOfA3FjXOUtkrr4Xa/JF6SsPQZW7XSKkkKY5zG850H0o0ELpCtlc4v1BwhVA34JLkrekESAc=
PM/Chat Logs: Please refer 6th and 7th screenshots.
Additional Notes: To everyone:
Sorry for my crappy job in erasing some unimportant details. You can see the eraser marks from paint if you see carefully, just ignore it.
To whoever that is instrumental in recovering any or part of my funds,
I am offering a 10% bounty to you. Which means if you help me recover the full amount of 5.5 btcs, i will reward you 0.55btcs as a token of appreciation. To anyone who reads this, beware the dangers of bitcoin transactions, no matter how trusted a person is, always use a third party escrow. But even then, there is always risk!
To teamy(scammer):
You may reply here, PM me, email me and/or reply to my messages sent via social networking accounts to negotiate repayment. Either 5.5 btcs original amount you scammed off me, or 8000 MYR, the promised amount in September, or a combination of bitcoin and fiat but bitcoin amount must be at least 3 btc. You have until January 10 2015 to right your wrong. By then, youe personal information will be posted. Blackmail not intended, just a fail-safe to warn bitcoiners from any deals with you.
PS:// I only knew his identity as dlkoncepts, his name on localbitcoins.com at that time, I was quite new to the forum and had not stumbled upon either his account which had been red-flagged or the screen-shot revealing his attempted scam.
EDIT: For now, if anyone wants to, i accept donations. No amount is too small. It would go a long way in recovering from my loss. If, the scammer returns some or all of the coins, i will return the coins to you + a little extra for trying to help me out. Thanks. I don't mind if you don't donate.