Hi all,
I became interested in bitcoin mining after my friend told me about it a few years back. I did some research and found out that I'd have to invest quite a bit of money in order to make a profit on my investment. I was wondering if you guys could give me some insight on how to get started, what I should buy (I found an antminer s4 2000 gh/s bitcoin miner for roughly $1000 and thought this might be good), how much, when, and if I would make a profit on my investment, the benefits of joining a pool and what I would need to do so, the cheapest option I can buy to still make a good profit on my investment, and if this is overall a good idea or not.
this is exactly the story of my life.
my friend told me about bitcoin and bitcoin mining as he was doing it easily and earning good money from it but i was lazy to listen to him.
now (IMO) it is not worth it to get into mining since the high difficulty and low price