Where are the models? Or is it just their opinion?
[Bitcoin Wiki, 2014] Bitcoin Wiki "Proof of Stake" page.
https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Proof of Stake. Retrieved on 02/05/2014.
[Eyal and Sirer, 2013] Eyal I. and Sirer E.G. (2013) "Majority is not enough: Bitcoin mining
is vulnerable", arXiv: 1311.0243.
[Kroll et al., 2013] Kroll J.A., Davey I.C. and Felten E.W. (2013) "The economics of Bitcoin
mining, or Bitcoin in the presence of adversaries", Mimeo.
[Krugman, 2013] Krugman P. (2013) "Adam Smith hates Bitcoin". NYTimes blog.
http://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/04/12/adam-smith-hates-bitcoin/[Nakamoto, 2008] Nakamoto S. (2009) "Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer electronic cash system".
For the sake of simplicity and with a slight lack of rigor...
With a simple (one could say simplistic) model...
The idea is to bluff to scare people into selling for nothing... there is a reason this paper didn't gain any traction.
Geoff's pos.pdf paper even admits that there is no rigour in his claim.
Is it possible to obtain a distributed consensus without provably consuming some resource
outside of the system?
Intuitively, the answer is no, but there is no rigorous argument for this claim.
Intuitively, the sun goes around the earth. You can even watch it happening..
Vitalik has discussed Nxt's POS algo with the devs on nxtforum.org and was satisfied that it was adequate. He thought he could improve it but he would wouldn't he..