I tried this because I wanted the Trezor to work on a friends machine. He can't use his yet :-) (Yep I'm a Mac

Here's a bunch of steps I tried in Windows 7 64-bit. I got somewhere but not close enough sadly.
Keep up the good work Thomas! We all look forward to 2.0 when you are ready :-)
Installing Electrum 2.0 Beta on Windows (64-bit)Install Pythonpython-2.7.9.amd64.msi
Install GitHubGitHubSetup.exe
Install PyQtInstall PyQt4-4.11.3-gpl-Py2.7-Qt4.8.6-x64.exe by Riverbank
Copy latest version of Electrum from GitHub (copies into home folder)git clone git://github.com/spesmilo/electrum.git
Install required things for compilingpip install ecdsa slowaes==0.1a1 pbkdf2 requests pyasn1 pyasn1-modules tlslite qrcode SocksiPy-branch
Generate Icons (May need to restart terminal window)pyrcc4 icons.qrc -o gui/qt/icons_rc.py
At this point you can run Electrum, but there's no Trezor support so I was a bit bummed.
Also I noticed that the generate new bitcoin address is non-functional, just like on the Mac :-)
Include Translations - Failedpython mki18n.py
May not be required as translations are broken due to any one of these - urllib2, os, zipfile, pycurl
Workaround - Install pycurl‑7.19.5.win‑amd64‑py2.7.exe
Not sure why this doesn’t work at all, I’m not a programmer :-)
Making it a single functioning app using Python 2 - FailedInstall py2exe-0.6.9.win64-py2.7.amd64.exe
I didn’t bother too much with this part either.
Anyway, just thought I'd put this up in case anyone else (or me in the future) does a Google!
And of course it's not 100%, it's a beta :-)