Counterparty has, they announced it had been added recently.
is it useable in the client? i dont just mean multisig support so others can build it into a random client, i mean is it actually functional for users.
it seems very few coins have?
It is very useable. For both vanilla bitcoin transactions and smart property transfer. You can use an intuitive web-wallet or a desktop client to use multisig.
CounterParty also supports paper wallets, deterministic BIP32 keys, Armory cold storage & Hardware signing like ledger wallet. In fact almost any security protection that can be afforded to regular bitcoin ecosytem, (like a kind of multisig 2fa where one signer is an oracle permitting set tx flows/rules) is possible since counterparty addresses are native bitcoin addresses.
If you'd like, you can play around with turing complete smart contracts interacting with multi-sig on testnet, since CounterParty can run ethereum serpent contracts right now.