Deposit Address :
38ccq12hPFoiSksxUdr6SQ5VosyjY7s9AU i lowered the minimum amount to invest to 0.001BTC - .5BTC
Noticed that the ponzi trend is going crazy here, so i'm launching my new site 24HrPonzi.
Why 24 hours ? Well, as you guys have may noticed , anything longer will kill the system so after watching the falls of those scammy ones, i've decided to start a better more sustainable one. Site may be simple, but rest assured everything will be prompt and blazing fast.
With a maximum of .5BTC , the wall can be easily broken. Resets occur every 24 hours.
Payments will automatically be paid out when deposits hit 1 confirmation, the transaction screen will be updated every 3 minutes on its own as well. Players can check their current queue and payment status.
Please use only wallet as those with shared address will not get a return. *do not use coinbase wallet as well*
Do not send anything more or less then what's stated above. Amount lower than the minimum will be considered donations. Have fun, may the odds be in your favor.
Remember get in quick, get out quick. Early ones always make the most.
Best regards,