With all the bitcoins he has it could be true.
Bitcoins are for trading for other things, just like fiat is. The problem with bitcoins is that it isn't easy to find the things you need to live that anyone will accept bitcoins for. First, you have to sell the merchant on bitcoins. After that he just might accept some for his wares.
Why did Bitcoin go to over $1,200 for a time? Wasn't it because people are looking for a way out of the limitations of fiat? Limitations of fiat aren't limitations to the bankers and governments who rule us. Fiat is only a limitation for living by us slaves
Bitcoin has gone back down, not because it didn't overcome the fiat limitations. It went back down because the people found that they couldn't use it to free themselves from governments and other controllers as easily as they had hoped.
If Satoshi is using Bitcoin in Atlantis, he really isn't using Bitcoin. Why not? Because Atlantis doesn't exist any longer. So, saying Satoshi is using Bitcoin in Atlantis is like saying that he isn't using Bitcoin.
The problem isn't Bitcoin. The problem is that we are all being enslaved by governments and world bankers, and the way to freedom may not be easy, using Bitcoin, or using anything else.
The way to freedom is to bypass their jurisdiction. The way to bypass their jurisdiction is to hold them accountable, as people, in their own courts for harm or damage they do to us, especially if we do no harm or damage to them.
Our living isn't harming anyone. The living that government people do against us is harming us. Time to set things right, and Bitcoin will help us do it. People are the descendants of the people of Atlantis. Governments and banks are the real descendants of Atlantis itself.