I watched Birdman and while not completely terrible I found it quite unremarkable. Seems like a movie your hip grandma might enjoy.
I watched
Spiderman XXX parody the other day. It's definitely a B movie, but I'd say it was up there with Pirates. Pretty awesome.
I couldn't find a torrent of Spiderman XXX, but after checking out the link you provided I searched and found a torrent of
Star Wars XXX instead.
Recently, Vivid produced Star Wars XXX, the largest budget film they have ever made... too bad they didn’t call it star whores...
I haven't watched
'Episode IV - A New Hole' yet, but I skimmed through it and it looks pretty good. It has sexy stormtroopers and even includes famous scenes and lines like,
"These aren't the droids you're looking for." These porn parodies are not only fun and arousing for men, but women are more apt to enjoy them too. So if you want your girlfriend to watch porn with you—start with a story line—like a porn parody! Fun, entertaining, and bound to get both of you off! Porn parodies are for men and women. Porn for women is a market that is certainly growing! And porn parodies are where it is at—she might be laughing but she will be wet and ready.
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