Last Hour , I received 3 email from "" , Subject : "Welcome To My Wallet" , off course It's 1 ticket message (no-reply)
The Content of the emails are :
Welcome To My Wallet
This email contains important information about your new bitcoin wallet. Be sure to keep this safe and stored separately from your password.
Login Link:
Alias: jack29501
Notifications: Notifications Are Disabled
Confirmation Code: 3F25E
Verification Link:
And the next 2 the same way ,
I want to know why these emails are sent to me ?! And What Happened if I activate it (I didn't do that , but just a question) ?
I'm gonna to change all my wallet passwords just for security , but is that important for cases like this ?
And Can Anyone access my wallet , if he know the password + wallet ID suppose I he must verify the wallet from email ?
Another question please ,
I heard that offline wallet is better than online wallet , and I heard also that I can save my wallet on USB , How that process done ?
And what must I save / backup to recover the wallet later ? and if I lose the USB , I loose everthing , OR if something happened to my USB like damaged ?
And another important question , from where the wallet were generated , blockchain or coinbase or ...
Thanks For Pre-Help